Holy Spirit: Breath of God Retreat


Expressions of personal experiences from a 4-Day Residential Retreat with Tim Christopher at Purley Chase Centre, Warwickshire, England – February 21st-24th, 2019.

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“The Holy Spirit: – He knows because He is part of God; He perceives because He was sent to save humanity. He is the great correction principle; the bringer of true perception, the inherent power of the vision of Christ. He is the light in which the forgiven world is perceived; in which the face of Christ alone is seen. He never forgets the Creator or His creation. He never forgets the Son of God. He never forgets you. And He brings the Love of your Father to you in an eternal shining that will never be obliterated because God has put it there.”  – A Course in Miracles  (C-6.3)

Mary – “Truly out of this world!”

Mary A Course in Miracles“The Purley Chase retreat facilitated an acceleration in my understanding of my relationship with the Holy Spirit and in my evolving awareness of the strategies used by my ego in its attempt to keep me imprisoned in separation and suffering.

A sanctuary was created in which it felt safe to feel and to heal, to expose and release blocks to the awareness of love’s presence and to share the peace, joy and power of Oneness with brothers gathered for a shared purpose.

The wisdom, dedication and creativity shared by Tim, Lambie and the team is beautiful and truly out of this world! I’m very grateful for the encouragement, guidance and love offered. Thank you so much.”  

Allan – “I have been saved, and I am pretty grateful as you might imagine!”

“This years retreat at Purley Chase with Master Tim was a very powerful experience for me, but that’s what I expect these days as my mind continues  to mature. The country setting in Warwickshire is beautiful and lends itself perfectly to our cause.

I had set out with ambitious intentions and goals for the retreat, not least to really try and keep up with Tim’s amazingly articulate teaching in real time.I failed but did do better than I have done  previously.

I found it incredibly intensive. My major  goal was to have further direct correspondence with God  my Father ( pretty ambitious eh but when you have done it once , why not always ?). I did not succeed  in the way I had planned but it never goes according to my plan. ( Lesson 71 comes to mind as I write !) But my goodness I have changed . I won’t try and explain how because it’s not explainable. Thank you to my dear brothers who attended with me, I love the beautiful reflections you give me and I really love observing the awakening of all your beautiful minds.

This is a Course in the Miracle of the conversion of the conceptual mind and it works. God I love it, I have been saved and I am pretty grateful as you might imagine!” 

Steve – “In the experience of light I was able to see what I was doing in my mind more clearly.”

Steve Ritter A Course in Miracles

“Purley chase was a moment to forget everything I normally do.

Time made no sense and it was confusing as ideas I had come to rely on felt less real.

In the experience of light I was able to see what I was doing in my mind more clearly.”


Adriana – “It has been a life changing experience for me!”

“I recently participated in a 4 day retreat at Purley Chase in England, organised by Tim Christopher and the Iluminate Mind Foundation, and I would like to share with anyone who is suffering in any place in the world that a new, more joyful, happier experience of yourself is possible and is at hand. To me it has been a life changing experience. It may be considered a pretentious sentence… but that has been my exact personal experience. Being myself a Student and a Teacher of a Course in Miracles I experienced a turning point in my ongoing process of awakening and Self-Recognizion during this Retreat. 

Tim Christopher has walked with me with gentleness, helping me to look inside and to ask for help from my inner Teacher. The only Real way to Find Real Answers in this planet earth. 

The setting of intentions beforehand has been a crucial step in the whole transformation process. “…The setting of the Holy Spirit´s is general. Now He will work with you to make it specific, for application is specific…The clarification of the goal belongs at the beginning, for it is this which will determine the outcome…” (Quotes from Chapter 17. Section VI Setting the Goal, paragraph 1 and 2 of a Course in Miracles text). The Orientation sheet for this Retreat highly recommended for participants to write down our intentions before the start. And this simple exercise has helped me personally in downloading in a very specific and concrete way which issues in my current life experience I needed help with and wanted to be transformed; to have a deeper understanding of and to be healed. 

This Retreat has been a powerful, inspirational and transformative experience and also it has deepened my experience of what the message of the Course in Miracles is offering to the Human Race and especially to me as a representative of Humanity. This Retreat has helped greatly with some very specific issues I needed and wanted to experience in a completely new manner. One of the motivations to embark on this adventure of self-recognizion, forgiveness and healing has been for me that mostly that I could not stand any more my own mental, emotional pain and the pain of the world -the pain of others in any place on Earth. I have no idea how is for you…The only thing I can share with you who are reading these words is my personal experience….just an experience…don´t believe it at all conceptually… I would like to share that if you are experiencing pain and suffering in any regard, I know that healing it is at hand. I promise you. That has been my experience. I underwent a continuing process of self-forgiveness and self-healing, that right now as I am writing these words is still a very active and alive ongoing process in my mind, which I am so grateful for.

As lesson 137 of A Course in Miracles number states: “When I am Healed I am not Healed Alone”. I experienced exactly that in my, physical, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual body.  At the same time, the ongoing process at the Retreat and the exercises and dynamics helped to strengthen my relationship with my inner Teacher. As I said, it has been a life changing experience for me and one I would highly recommended to anyone who sees herself or himself suffering or experiencing pain in any form or who can´t tolerate the pain of others. A joyful experience, a more whole and happier experience of yourself is at hand. 

You don´t need any credentials to have a new experience of who you are. 
Just come as you are.  That is all…and wait for a total surprise…beyond your wildest dreams…”

Debra – “It’s an experience that is indescribable.”

“The whole experience of A Course in Miracles that Tim facilitates through his teachings during the retreat is just incredible.

The purpose of the retreat for me was to have a real experience of the Holy Spirit within me and I received it. During a moment in a musical light session I received a strong sense that He was there with me and the relief and release from that was just amazing, it’s an experience that is indescribable. I have that lasting feeling still with me after the retreat.

The experience as a whole is integrating within me and aspects of my life have changed such as – everyone around me is happier, I can much more easily hand over situations that would normally be perceived as a ‘problem’, and I am less concerned with the future and more present in the now. His help is always with us in every moment!”


Holly – “My experience at this retreat was powerful and profound.”

“My experience at this retreat was powerful and profound. There were some important ‘pieces of the puzzle’ that became incredibly clear to me in the light of the Holy Spirit’s presence; ie. understanding that was given to me as a direct experience from the Teacher, the Voice, the Guide. I was given a strong sense of my responsibility as a healer and a teacher, and of the power that is available to me through the Mind of God and through my determination to serve only Him. 

The healing and transformation I witnessed in those around me was incredibly beautiful. The presence of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit was very apparent and I was aware of a profound joining experience with my brothers in the dedication to healing and the release of the separate mind/ego identity. 

Altogether I cannot recommend these events highly enough. For anyone who is looking for a genuine experience of their wholeness in God, or asking how to be of service to the awakening that is occurring (like I was) this is an association in which those things can and do occur. The feelings of fulfilment and gratitude that come from that clarity of purpose and certainty of Self are truly inexpressible.”

Garry – “It feels awesome to be a part of the accelerated speed up that the Course in Miracles makes available.”

It has been an extraordinarily singular and powerful experience of healing, light, peace, happiness and a consistency of love that is not of this world.

Thanks to all who were involved in helping to make this retreat such an amazing experience.

It feels awesome to be a part of the accelerated speed up that the Course in Miracles make available- beyond the words and concepts of the book.

The Course came to life in a direct relationship with my brothers in a shared purpose, a circle of atonement in which time literally sped up before our eyes.

Melanie – “I whole-heartedly commend the opportunity to anyone considering an Illuminate Mind retreat!”

My experience of the retreat was of being enfolded by the Love that I cover with resistance, but so want to express totally.
The retreat seemed to me to be a ‘surround sound’ of the words of the Holy Spirit, as offered in the peerless A Course In Miracles and lovingly spoken by Tim and my brothers and sisters on the retreat. Every aspect of the retreat, from the delicious food to the opportunity to experience the joy of playing, singing and dancing with the Love personified by the other people on the retreat, seemed designed to remind me who I truly Am.
I’ve discovered that even when I have apparently returned to the dream of my ‘normal’ life, I can still hear the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit, and my friends tell me that my non-physical energies have risen as a result of the release and healing that I experienced. I certainly know that Love is moving through me with more ease and power and I experience the Joy of  seeing my brother as he really is more frequently. I whole-heartedly commend the opportunity to anyone considering an Illuminate Mind retreat!”

Rafa – “The heart and arms of this group are completely open for you to join in the mind training of A Course of Miracles.”

“Upon reflection, my experience during this retreat has deepened my continuing transformation. My mind continues to experience changes that lead me more and more to the recognition, conviction and the real experience of being completely happy, and to the certainty that the only function and reward I have here is to share what I am with others and to be happy.

The experience of the retreat has helped leader me ever closer to the recognition that there is only one place where I am totally welcome, and that is in my true Home; the promised Heaven for which I do not have to wait becomes a very real experience and I feel fulfilled, loved and grateful, as all my needs disappear and are replaced by pure joy.

I found the assurance that I will never again believe I am without the Guide that I have missed so much in my past illusions and false expectations that I myself fabricated, believed in and suffered from.

It is possible that you are a new student reading these words, and maybe you recognize yourself in my description of darkness in my past. Perhaps you have decided to stop suffering and open your mind to a new possibility that is totally desirable, luminous and deserved simply by the decision to Be who you really are.

“The heart and arms of this group are completely open for you to join in the mind training of A Course of Miracles. The help of my teachers and brothers- all of whom are also my friends, united in the experience of awakening that it is accelerated in all of the retreats in which I have participated and enjoyed happily- is incalculable and inestimable.

It has helped me to emerge out of darkness and suffering, to receive the light and to prepare myself to accept the Holy Spirit as the inner Guide that will accompany me during my return Home. And He can accompany you too if you wish because that is what He was created for and is the gift that God gave to everyone.”

Holy Spirit: Breath of God Retreat


