Wednesday and Sunday Group

Our Course in Miracles group is where we share this amazing teaching.

We are very happy to invite you to join with us in this powerful dedication to the holy instant in which everything unreal disappears, and a genuine experience of God’s Reality is made available.

We offer sessions at 10am on Sunday mornings and 7pm on Wednesday evenings, UK time, on Zoom.

Please email us at to join our mailing list and receive the link for this meeting.

The group has one purpose, it is a place for the mind to relax, become completely focused in the present and join with others who are gathering with us in that dedication. The healing power of this joining can be profound.

Each session is given by a Teacher of God, a brother who has joined with us in this extraordinary single purpose, in our individual need for a true awakening. Each one offers the Course from their own direct experience and dedicated practice. We are incredibly grateful to join with you in teaching what we are determined to hear for ourselves.
